Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night Claire commented that "one day, everybody will be in heaven." She has been fascinated by heaven for a long time, and especially since our dog Freya died in July. I've told her that no one is ever sick or sad in heaven, and that we will always be happy there.
I told her, yes, one day we all will be.
"When do you think it will be?" she asked.
"Well, no one really knows. Probably not for awhile."
"Maybe it will be in 100 days." This is Claire-speak for "a really, really long time."
"That could be."
Then she suddenly gets tearful, and I asked her what was wrong.
"Who will be with me in heaven?" she asked with tears running down her face.
"Oh, Claire," I said, "everyone will be with you. And remember, Jesus will be with you too."
"And you'll be with me?"
"Yes. And no one's ever sad in heaven. You don't ever have to worry about being in heaven."
Claire nodded and needed a hug, and we continued eating our supper.

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