Saturday, March 10, 2012


Have you ever had an egg mug? This morning I made one for the first time, and wow, what an easy and fast breakfast!
Spray a microwave-safe coffee mug with cooking spray. Crack 2 eggs and a little milk into the mug and beat well with a fork. You'll want to make sure the yolks are broken up.
Microwave on HIGH for 45 seconds, stir, and then microwave another 30-45 seconds until the eggs are set.
You can obviously change this up to suit your tastes, adding salt and pepper, or other seasonings. I cut up a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (thanks Hungry Girl for this suggestion) and added it before microwaving. You can sprinkle some bacon or sausage or other cheese in it. Just be careful of the proportions, since you've got a rather small container to work with.
I've also read suggestions that say to cook the egg mixture on a saucer, then you've got a perfect, flat egg to make a breakfast sandwich with.
I liked this because of how fast and simple it was. It only took about as long as making a bowl of instant oatmeal, which is the breakfast du jour most days in our house. We like to eat a hot breakfast most often, since I think it stays with you longer and is more satisfying.

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