Hello, 2013. You're the first new year I've been excited to see in a long time. And no wonder. I have so much to be excited about!
Claire is learning so much at school and everywhere else. She has had the switch flicked on in her brain about reading, and her reading ability is growing daily. She is also learning how to learn, which was evidenced by how quickly she learned to tie her shoes this past week. She was able to communicate to me exactly what it was that she was not understanding, and once we sorted that part out (what part of the lace to push through to make the second bow), she had it down pat.
Natalie is a born storyteller. She can come up with (truly) compelling stories, complete with villains and heroes and a happily ever after. I am always impressed with the broad scope of her imagination, and how she is clearly absorbing everything in her world to add details to her stories. She is also my little foodie and wants to "feed" everyone with whatever she has at hand, be it beads, blocks, or actual toy food.
I have been with my Troy for nearly 7 months, and I can't imagine life without him now. He not only loves me for myself, but he loves my girls and they positively adore him right back. It is hard to put into words exactly all this relationship means to me. It is thrilling and comforting and joyful and fun. Troy doesn't let me wash the dishes when he comes for supper, but nudges me out of the way and hands me the towel to dry. We watch TV shows like Castle and Big Bang Theory, and laugh a lot. We attend church and Bible class together, and I can hardly say how much I enjoy worshiping with him. His daughter, Carsen, loves reading about as much as I do, and we can talk Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and being geeky like that together. His son, Adam, plays wonderfully with Claire and Natalie, and manages to remain patient even when they get to be a little too much.
*happy sigh*
This year I have a few goals, like I did last year. I want to keep trying new recipes, and the goal of at least one new recipe each week is definitely doable (I did it last year). I would like to keep shrinking my stack of books to be read (I made some headway last year). And of course, the usual goals of exercise more and lose a few pounds.
So, 2013, yes, I'm happy to see you, and I'm looking forward to what this year holds for me and my family.