Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I have too many books!

Well, too many books for the available space in my house. I have all the books I've collected since early childhood, with the exception of picture books, which are still at my mom and dad's house, waiting patiently to be read by the grandchildren who are arriving in droves. Plus, since I am an avid bookworm and prefer to own my books than return them to the library, I have continued to acquire more and more books in my adult life.
I also really like rereading my books which is a trait not everyone understands. This is another reason why I prefer to buy books. Many of my childhood books, particularly the Little House on the Prairie books and Betsy-Tacy books, are in atrocious condition because I am not kind to my books. They get carted everywhere, bent up, torn. They're like the blanket a little kid carries around until it's just a rag. But it's a much loved rag.
I did some straightening of the game closet tonight. This is also the closet that houses the vast majority of my books. I say "my" books because I've contributed most of the books in our household library collection. Many of my books beloved in my teens, like Nancy Drew and Babysitters Club, are contained in boxes because there's not room on the shelves.
I'm probably crazy for keeping these hundreds and hundreds of books. If there's ever a fire, I'd be heartbroken at the loss of my collection. But they are part of who I am. As dippy as it sounds, my books are kind of like old friends that I still visit from time to time.
Someday I'll have enough space for all of them to be out, too, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for listing my blog on your blogroll. you sound busy, take time to dance!!
